Aironn Value Engineering in TEM 34 G Esenyurt, New Solutions with New Ideas

 Aironn Value Engineering in TEM 34 G Esenyurt, New Solutions with New Ideas

Developed as the most comprehensive industrial and storage center in Istanbul, TEM 34 offers industrial and storage areas in a total area of 200,000 square meters from 400 square meters to 25,000 square meters on a single floor in Esenyurt. TEM 34 Esenyurt, the second of 34 branded projects, is positioned as the most important production, storage and industrial center of Istanbul. Rising between Hadımköy-Bahçeşehir toll booths, it promises to be the center of industry and exports. TEM 34 Esenyurt targeted maximum benefit with Aironn value engineering in terms of energy and operational efficiency ventilation devices. Aironn for this project; engineering products that add value; The parking lot will produce smoke exhaust fans, pressurization fans and shelter fans.